Biochemical incubator application: compost extract seed germination rate determination

Biochemical incubators are most common in laboratories. Biochemical incubators are widely used, such as seed germination rate determination of compost extract.

The extract of the compost sample was extracted, and the germination rate of seeds was measured. According to the literature, a piece of filter paper was spread in a 9cm petri dish, 20 seeds (radish seeds were used) were placed, and 5ml extract was added (I added 10ml). The seeds were cultured in a biochemical incubator at 25 oC for 5 days.

Calculate the formula to calculate the speed germination index can be. The ions were removed as a blank control.

Calculation formula: F= (A1×A2) /(B1×B2)×100%

F: seed germination index;

A1: germination rate of seeds cultured infiltrate of compost samples;

A2: Root length of seeds cultured infiltrate of compost sample;

B1: germination rate of seeds cultured in deionized water;

B2: Root length of seeds cultured in deionized water.



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