Principle of drying oven aging test


Principle of drying oven aging test

The aging test refers to the thermal oxidation aging test of rubber, plastic products, electrical insulation materials, and other materials; Or ventilation aging test for electronic parts and plasticized products. The principle of drying oven aging test is actually a hot air aging test, which is introduced in detail by Kenton Instrument below.

Heat is one of the main factors that lead to the aging of polymer materials. Heat can accelerate the movement of polymer chains, lead to the fracture of polymer chains, produce active free radicals, and make them undergo radical chain reaction, which leads to the degradation or crosslinking of polymers. Hot air aging test is one of the main test methods for evaluating polymer materials and studying the aging resistance of polymer materials, which is usually carried out in a constant temperature blast drying oven.

The temperature in the drying oven can be set according to the test requirements, and the polymer materials are exposed to dryness and sampled regularly for testing, so as to obtain the aging behavior and law of polymer materials, and then modify the polymer materials pertinently to improve their service performance.



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