About the disinfection of the ultra Clean Bench

Disinfection of ultra-clean working table, general ultra-clean working table is to use ultraviolet sterilization lamp for disinfection (each open more than 15 minutes, usually 30 minutes) and so on disinfection, in addition, the aseptic room should be regular with 70% alcohol or 0.5% phenol spray dust and disinfection, with 2% of new cleanser wipe countertop and utensils (70% alcohol can also be), with formalin (40% formaldehyde) plus a small amount of potassium permanganate on a regular basis. Closed fumigation, with to make the aseptic room often maintains a high degree of sterility.

In addition, in the ultraviolet lamp on for a long time, can stimulate the oxygen molecules in the air to connect into ozone molecules, this gas composition has a very strong sterilization effect, can produce sterilization effect on the ultraviolet ray does not directly shine to the corner. As the ozone is an obstacle to health, before entering the operation should be turned off the ultraviolet lamp, off after more than ten minutes to enter.

In the ultra-clean workbench can also be suspended UV lamps, but should be installed in the lighting shade, and stagger the lighting parallel arrangement, so that in the work does not interfere with the lighting. It would be useless to mount the UV lamp inside the illuminating shade (glass panel), as the UV light cannot penetrate the glass and the lamp is made of quartz glass, not silicate glass.

ultra Clean Bench:



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