How to make pearl powder with vacuum drying oven

Pearl powder has many functions. According to Chinese tradition, pearl powder has the effect of clearing liver, brightening eyes and whitening. The price of real pearl powder is relatively expensive. The production process is also very important, and the consumption is minimized. Except for a few manual grinding methods, mechanical grinding and ball grinding are widely used in the market.

How to make pearl powder by using vacuum drying oven?

Step 1: clean the Pearl, wash the Pearl in alkali water, remove the oil scale, float it with water to remove the alkali, drain or wipe the water with gauze, and spread it evenly in the dish.

step 2: Place the pearls in a constant temperature oven or a vacuum oven to bake. When the pearl surface is yellow and there is a popping sound, cut off the power supply.

step 3: crush the pearls. When the pearls are cooled to 60-70 ℃, they shall be taken out quickly. When they are hot, they shall be crushed with a grinder, then heated in a vacuum drying oven, and then finely ground and screened.

Because pearl powder is delicate and can effectively shorten the drying time, it is the most suitable to use the vacuum drying oven.



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