Do you lose nutrients when you bake fruit in the fruit drying oven?

There are many types of fruit drying oven on the market, from small home dryers to commercial drying ovens, and even large industrial drying ovens. Perhaps you're wondering, isn't dried fruit made from sun-dried fruit? Do you lose nutrients when you bake fruit in the fruit drying oven?

In fact, such as raisins, red dates, in some dry sunny places, sun-dried is the more common method. However, for limited areas, or for fruits with special characteristics (e.g. lemons, apples, bananas, which are prone to oxidation and discoloration), the fruit oven should be used whenever possible.

Drying fruit in an oven alone can destroy some of its nutrition and

it changes the taste. If the low temperature + dehydration method is used, the nutrients and taste of the fruit can be preserved to the maximum, and it can be made in a certain amount of time, with high thermal efficiency and energy savings. Compared to the sun-dry method, it shortens the time and also guarantees nutritional and hygiene issues.

Kenton KH series fruit drying oven constant temperature drying oven is quite popular with customers at home and abroad, the working temperature ℃ +5 ~ 250, customers can freely choose the temperature to dry. They purchase batches of fruit drying ovens for dehydration drying treatment of fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc.

It should be noted here that the sample should not be placed too crowded during use, so as not to affect the convection inside the oven, when placing the oven, please ensure that the oven is effectively grounded to ensure safety.



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